Crossword Construction Kit 98

Crossword Construction Kit is the Desktop Publisher for Windows 95 and NT for creating theme based crossword puzzles. Design your own puzzle page layout--drop, place & size the puzzle, graphics and text components. Select fonts, colors, columns, borders, alignment & more. The program features the unique ability to make puzzles in fun shapes with over 50 predefined puzzle shapes (diamonds, doughnuts, trains, etc) with the ability to create unlimited new shapes. Create puzzles up to 30 x 30 in size with a maximum of 200 words per puzzle and up to 150 characters per clue. Print options include skeleton or filled box, font selection, answer key, partial answer key or selected letters as hints. Output puzzle to paper, bitmap, JPEG, metafile or HTML ready web page.

Crossword Construction Kit is a great way to create theme based crossword puzzles of various shapes and sizes, save the puzzles and then print them. You can literally create great looking puzzles in minutes using the default settings.

If you want to be creative you can design your own puzzle shapes or page layouts. Drop a bitmap that matches the theme of your puzzle onto your page layout to give it that extra pizzazz.